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Food reviewer Jason Blake wakes up one day to find that the internet has turned its back on him: he's been canceled. With the help of his fellow food reviewer, Emma, Jason must search the edges of the internet to find the reason for his cancellation, all while managing the online outbursts of his internet illiterate mom, gamer younger brother, and food reviewing rival ex-girlfriend. Will Jason figure out what to apologize for--or will he have to give up and move back to Wisconsin for good?

The purpose of #JasonBlakeIsOverParty is escapism. Although #JasonBlakeIsOverParty is extremely current, with the rise of cancel culture and the fast rate that information is exchanged, this could happen before or after a pandemic. We wanted to let our audience experience screen media without being reminded about what’s going on in the world outside. We want to show how ridiculous how the internet can be sometimes. For as helpful as the internet is, it can also be just as information barren and absurd. If we would continue the film to the next day, we’re sure  most of the people tweeting would have already forgotten about Jason Blake and his cancelation. We hope that our audience is laughing by the end.

#JasonBlakeIsOverParty is a student production from Temple University's Fall 2020 "Producing and Directing" class.

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Special thanks to Laura Zaylea

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